April 21, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Engagement is a very special moment when talk about boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. It is the start of the day of being tied - in the eyes of the people and of course of the two couple. It is the day when each other is bound and oblige to give full trust and promise. With that, many fiance likes to think of getting a diamond engagement rings as a symbol that his wife is as expensive as a diamond and he is so lucky to have her. Hey it's not that expensive nowadays because lots of store are on sale. So fiance, give your fiancee an unforgettable ring, okay? Go now and get it.. It's not that heavy in the pocket because it is for your love! This must be an awesome day guys so, make it meaningful! Enjoy the engagement party then! Don't forget to invite me huh? (~_~)

1 Comment:

  1. Arlene said...
    Hello Cai, i added you na in my blogroll and EC drop list. I hope to visit you often to drop ec and read updates.

    Have a nice day! Am happy nadagdagan naman blogger friend ko. :)

    Take care.

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