May 16, 2009

This Friendship Chain tag was given to me first by my new-found friends here blogosphere Liza of A Simple Life, Momma Beth of Mommy Passionista, Te Beng of Beng's Entertainment Spree. Actually one of her blog was my fave and now that she's one of my friend, I will treasure her as well as of course the dear momma Te Beng. I haven't know that she's one of the thoughtful and kind person and now that I know she is, am sure she is also a pretty and deary one. Thanks a lot Liz, Momma Beth, and Te Beng for this chain. muahhh! I would also like to appreciate the kindness of Momgen of My Life's Adventure, Reya of Fragments of Thoughts..a piece of life, and my ever friend David of Basic Bloganomics. You really know that am a kind of person who wants to be a friend of everyone. (~_~) I wish you all the best my sweet friends of mine. And as a sign of our frienship, I am accepting this. muahhh!
David Funk of Basic Bloganomics

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I thank God I have a great friend like you!