June 08, 2009

These two awards were given to me of about one week ago and I wanna show to you folks how amazed I was as receiving this. Thanks a lot great bloggers! You're such a very nice one and thanks for the kindness thought through showing your co-bloggers what have on your mind.

Anyway, I got an award before as as an awardee of "One Lovely Blog Award" and now it's "A Lovely Blog Award" and it goes together with a very cool other one award which is as you can see at the very top of this post-- the "Best Blog Award" and am pretty very happy about it-- as an awardee of such amazing awards. The recent two were from my lovely co-blogger friends, namely: David Funk of Basic Bloganomics; Chuchie of her Chuchie's Hideaway blog, Lisa of her Lisgold blog, Bill of his My Piece of Paradise blog, Faye of My Life in Holland, and Khaye of My Daily Cup.

I wanna also thank to Khaye of Welcome to My Life blog for choosing me as one of her awardees of the Best Blog Award in her other post.

Thanks a lot!



  1. Lyla said...
    congrats for the award Cacai...
    David Funk said...
    Thanks for posting those much deserved awards. You are so well-loved and it is always great to see you get named by more than one person for awards.

    Best wishes and God Bless dear friend!
    Bill said...
    Sorry my friend that i did not see that before. Forgive me when you start getting old your eye sight starts to get bad LOL.

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