July 22, 2009
posted by: Cacai M.
Identity theft is very rampant nowadays and we just have to take a look with it's negative impact because from the word itself it's really very ridiculous deed and frightening on the other side. And of course who likes to be victimized with it? As to an optimistic optimistic point of view, no one likes it! Can you imagine having your account zero balance and malicious someone uses your name in behalf of you? How about being robbed and killed? do you like it? Beware! Bloggers already know that it's no good to put your phone number(whether it's mobile or telephone), home address, birth date, and even your true name in this blogging world and of course especially the very important ones like Social Security Number, and Account Number unless you like it to and in a secure process. Mostly social networking sites basically wants our birth date, real name, school name, phone number, and etc. which is a personal information. Am not saying that you will lie but make sure you're ready and more of very sure that it won't be taken outside and of the malicious new friends you have in there that you don't know who they are. Remember to know who the person you add first or be sure you're ready if that person is good enough to be added on your friend's list. Well, reminding everyone of the friend's list if found one is a good hit for all so everybody know. Lots also are malicious hackers now, and reportedly friendster is one of those and perhaps facebook too. But am not really sure with the facebook-I just saw one post and I can't really be sure with it. But in friendster? I am very sure especially if the members didn't know their new friends and especially to those who's using imikimee, glitter graphics, and websites which provides free greeting ecards, and etc. which in return have the access on it's pc because it automatically download something in return of the free service rendered-- it's not all though but mostly! And also, having memes and tags are cool to have but be sure to check it before giving your personal information because we are in world wide web and public--anyone can have of it. I have to mention also the spam emails that wants the above enumerated personal info of yours of which I guess you have seen it several times. Hey, this is not only for bloggers and in America but for all! Think about it folks! --it's up to you, your beliefs is in your hands so please be aware... I just only hope for the best for you!********
Labels: Blogging, Computer/Software, friendships, Safety Tip
Marami talagang masasama ang loob ngayon
And yes Psych, it's really frightening.. and it's up to other peeps if they believe this but this is the reality and I hope they're aware already..