August 20, 2009
posted by: Cacai M.
I would like to thank my MamiLu of Bitz and Pieces for tagging me this one. The theme is how blogging is to you?
Well, for me blogging is a way of socializing, sharing my random thoughts in a way to post articles and informational, interesting stuffs and ideas. It is also a way to increase my sense of being an individual, giving and sharing to others. So here we go, a tag couldn't be without rule, so here it is:
1. Try to make a post just like this one and mention this process.
2. From the list of blog sites below remove the number 1 and move the rest in the list 1 step higher (i. e number 2 becomes number 1, and so on). Add your blog name in the 5th position. Don't forget to copy the links. (Here's my list-my site added in the end)
3. List at most five of your friends blogsite here with link and inform them of this post and ask them to do the same.
I would like to pass this tag to: (1)Thoughts, Ideas, and Resources, (2)Cacai M.'s Place, to (3)Analou of Me and My Dog,(4) Chuchie of Chuchie's Hideaway, and to (5)Hope of Thoughts in Daily Living. Have a nice day!

Labels: Blogging, friendships, Tags andTagging
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