December 27, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

A cousin of mine is overweight. She is already married with two cute kids but in fairness, she has one of the perfect fit bod while she was in secondary and tertiary level, ahhh I forgot even before she was in elementary. It's pretty much cute because she's a member of high school band drum and bugle corps -- a first liner, one of school letter holder in a private school in Bukidnon. Judging from the telltale from those who knew her, and the pictures she had, I am sure you too will be amazed of her beautiful perfectly fit body that turned into an overweight one. And I will let you picture-out what that is. It is sad to know that's what happened with her. She got that mostly "mommies-body" have or perhaps more than. I can recall about how she's dreaming of one of the best weight loss pills known hoping and wishing she could have her weight back. One time she had loss weight and I was happy because about it even though it's just some few pounds, at least it is possible even without science products. But then it went back again after a couple of days. Perhaps she's lazy on her diet journey. I just wish that she is seriously working on her diet and such. Well, that's for her own good so she won't be into diseases that overweight is prone to. I hope she is now serious on her diet.


  1. JENIE=) said...
    can we do that after NYear? hehe

    everyone's seems caught up in the whirwind of activities

    ..but I am here dear to actually invite you to see me tag you on my signing off. hope to see you there... ;)

    **you are linked in all 4 of my blogs ;)
    Cacai M. said...
    heheh.. hangyo jud Jen nga after nlng sa New Year.. heheh.. bitaw oi.. of course, ikaw na 'yan eh.. :-)

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