December 08, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

I will be having my biometric (finger print) on Thursday, two days from now. That is for the removal of my conditional permanent residency. We (hubby and me) mailed the application and two days after USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) mailed me the Receipt Notice. Six days after the Receipt Notice, they mailed me the Biometric Schedule and there I have it on Thursday. Hubby will be absent for half day plus because my schedule is twelve o'clock and it's not that near in our location now. Hopefully it will turn out good. Okay, I gotta go to go laundry since the weather turn out good already today. Yesterday it rained all day long, I was glad it's not that heavy but due to it, I postponed my laundry chore. So bye for now and see yah later diary.. I have to make my steps for other chores for today after eating.


  1. Bill said...
    Congrats my friend before you know it you will be a permanent resident here and then a citizen woooo whooo.
    yen said...
    congrats cai
    Cacai M. said...
    Nakz, Bill and Yen, long way to go pa and God's will w/ my husband's way. :-)
    Chubskulit Rose said...
    goodluck madam sis.. HOw was it?
    Cacai M. said...
    Hello Manang Rose, tomorrow pa ang biometric ko. I guess it will be fine. :-) Thanks. kisses!

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