January 24, 2010

posted by: Cacai M.
Ooopps I am not a tiger, nor have a tiger attitude. Ahhh okay, I have a tiger attitude to those who are evil but am sure, you're not that's why I could say I don't have a tiger attitude. No, I don't want to confuse you but surely I want to let you think. :-) Yep, that's understandable anyway... :-) Buddy, yes I definitely am a buddy---a blogger buddy, etc. I do like a lot this award image and the thought. Thanks a lot for this Tiger Buddies Award, credit to the creator and to David of Basic Bloganomics and Tsang Shydub of Simple Happy Life blog for being your recipient and awardee. You're my buddies, and you always got a place of heart as my blogger buddies. Thanks a lot and may you never change. If you change, that's for good but don't let me be out of one of your buddy huh? Thanks again.

By the way folks, year 2010 is Year of the Tiger. The year color is turquoise. So, that's it. Have a happy Tiger Year! Enjoy with caution... :-) Have a good one...


  1. David Funk said...
    I was literally replying back to comments on that entry when your comment on that entry showed up. LOL!

    Thanks for posting this. You're really one of the sweetest blogger friends I know, and that's why you're well-loved by everyone.

    I hope you seen my newest entry with you and Analou in it.

    Best wishes, Cacai!
    Cacai M. said...
    oi.. hehehe.. I'll definitely go back in there D.. And thanks a lot you too are well-loved by many because of your creativeness.. Keep going my friend.. hugs!

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