February 02, 2010


  1. analou said...
    Ako either sa duha. Ang problema ang akong banana dili sugot. Makamahay oi.
    Cacai M. said...
    hehehe.. just pray for it baje that your hubby will buy it for you.. muahhh!
    Kirhat said...
    I'll definitely choose a notebook. netbooks has less capability and only for those who doesn't want to exercise and get rid of those arm fats. Just my thoughts.

    Cheers and mabuhay!

    Seek No More
    Grace said...
    Bitaw noh, I didn't give it a thought.
    Anyway, wala pa man sab mi budget para ana. Ask lang nya ko nimo if ready na mi palit. :)
    Cacai M. said...
    Thanks for the thought Kirhat... :-)

    Te Grace, heheh.. thanks for being here and your thought as well.. muahhh!
    David Funk said...
    I've always had a laptop, and have never owned a desktop. It's a good thing because I've been able to take the two laptops I've owned to a lot of places that I wouldn't have been able to with a desktop.

    Have a great night my friend!
    moonstar said...
    hello, thanks for always dropping by to my site and give some ec love.

    Please do come back always. take care.
    Anonymous said...
    Hay laptop pud akong gamit sis, gamay man jud kau ang netbook oi... Labay lng ko kdali sis...


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