June 27, 2010

It has been a long time of not h aving my blue Monday in here. Oops! It is just a literal blue, okay? ;-) As I grew older or a mature individual, I learn how to embrace what I do not like. Just like a color blue, yes, I do not like this particular color before. It is not really that I hate it but I just do not like as what most folks like. My sister likes this color a lot and it actually is her favorite color but not me. But as I said, I now embrace it though it do not become my fave color but ooh, I love it!

Just a good time, last year, my sister gave me a gift -- a blue stuff toy. A teddy bear which I call it teddy. She gave me that blue teddy (pictured above with a card and other stuff) as her first birthday gift for me. Yes, it is first as in first ever birthday gift. ;-) And I kept it, until now it looks like new. :) I am a good keeper so one/she could expect me to do that. With that, I was more happier with my natal commemoration last year. :) And also this year, and hopefully in the next coming years! Have a great Blue Monday everyone! Have a fun weekday!


  1. Karen Chayne said...
    Aw! your blue teddy is such a cutie sis!
    Cacai M. said...
    hehheh.. thanks to my sister J sister in blogosphere sis Khayce.. will hit yah back tomorrow na sis ha.. muahhh!
    anne said...
    Nice blue stuff toy hehehe mine is up and its here thanks http://www.mjoannafaith.com/2010/06/blue-monday-1-paradise-beach-resort.html
    Cacai M. said...
    Thanks Anne.. will see yah in a bit.. muahhh!
    Umma said...
    Hello Cai... long time no see.. I've been absent for a long time in blog hopping.

    btw, you are invited to join $300 worth Brand new Coach Satchel Bag Contest". Hope you can take a peek and join as well.
    Dhemz said...
    awwwwww....ka cute...love it madam sis...ka sweet sa imong sister....:) pagmakita na ni akesha am sure iya jud na huwaman...nyahahha!

    tuod madam sis, sensya na ha karon lang jud ko kag wara wara...busy kau akong life...waaaaa....but before am hitting the bed...visit me muna dire...salamat for joining ha...good luck!
    Chie Wilks said...
    oh wow sis..that blue teddy is cute..very huggable
    MinnieRunner said...
    So your sister gave you a gift using her favorite color. Probably, she wants you to remember her everytime you look at that teddy.

    I don't like color blue as well. I'm more inclined at color green.
    Jesson Balaoing said...
    nice post, keep on blogging!

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Cacai's StEps and JoUrNeY © 2009-2012 Recoded By: Grace O. D., Dhemz, and Cacai M.