September 06, 2010

Addiction is a big problem of a person. It does not only affect oneself but one's family as well. Be it as drug addiction, alcohol and many other alike. I can say it need to be medicated, rehabilitate or recovered from it to be able to achieve a great happy life with one's love ones. To be able to have an active free-addiction life. It is everyone's family and friends wish. Bringing them to rehabilitation centers like Connecticut addiction treatment centers, would be a great help for him/her. It is not a time for blaming, bickering and alike but a time for helping the one involved. Become a life-saver. Helping such person getting back his/her life is a gift of genuine care and love. God bless and good luck and all the best!


  1. Dhemz said...
    busy ug opps dire da!
    Cacai M. said...
    It's nice to have an opportunity for the people involve in such addiction madam sis, an opportunity to renew him/her/themselves, isn't that great?! :)

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