March 08, 2011

And my food journey continues. Though I don't like eating nowadays unlike other first to second trimester pregnancy but I do crave, only it is just sometimes. Mostly the "no-no's" as my ob-gyn's advise, are not my likes too to which I could say am fortunate enough. I don't like oily foods and carbohydrates but sometimes I do which is not a problem. This time, I crave for this cooked beef below. I forgot the name but closest to my sense is beef pot roast (it's so smooth) though the white beans, not that much. Maybe you can tell me what's the name of this beef below. Thanks in advance, if you know. :-) Such white beans by the way is with a rice over on it. I usually like to have it brown beans, my fave. Those were the days that DH likes to buy soul foods. It went-by for how many weeks of buying outside foods which I like it. :-) But now, it's only seldom, seldom I like what he bought, I don't like eating you know. :(

Do you like this beef how it is cooked? Do you like white beans and soft drinks to finish this kind of cuisine?


  1. Chie Wilks said...
    i have no idea of a name of this dish sis pero it looks inviting
    Cacai M. said...
    lagi sis, lami jud na^ xa, as in..
    kat said...
    looks so yummy man Cai...sorry di ko din alam ang name ehehe
    Dhemz said...
    agoy ginoo ko...naglaway man ko aning imong pagkaon madam sis...:) labay ko dire....mwah!
    anne said...
    aguy ginoo girl galaway ko hehehe

    Girl can I invite you to visit my newest abode? Ill be adding you there yet. tatapusin ko lang tong ginagawa ko ngayon thanks

    My Daily Mumbles
    nurseabie said...
    Wow you're pregnant cai? Congratz!
    reyapot said...
    looks yummy...

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