April 17, 2011

Yep, I made a pork soup with yellow and green vegetables for my breakfast about a week ago. It was good as I had this for a long time already. I mean for so long, I wasn't able to cook a pork soup like this. I put cabbage, yellow sweet yum (or camote) tops, taro root, carrots and spices like ginger root, green onion, bell peppers and salt to taste. That's it! But too bad, the taro root became invisible. It became a mixed of water though its really great for soup as it puts slimy on it. Trust me the soup with it, taste great!

I had then a great breakfast. That's my viand together with rice. I had a food trip with myself. ;-)


  1. analou said...
    Naapay sobra Baje? Looks so yummy jud.
    Cacai M. said...
    naa pa dre baje.. 'ali dre.. :-))
    Mel Avila Alarilla said...
    Yes, it looks good and yummy. God bless.
    Cacai M. said...
    Thanks Kuya Mel. God bless you too! thanks again. ~hugs~
    Shahz said...
    it looks yummy. ma try nga..happy cooking.
    Nonoy said...
    Wow this is so delicious. this is also how I cook Pork Pochero. I feel hungry.:-)
    Mhar's Display said...
    This looks really yummy :)
    by the way, please follow and subscribe too..thank you.


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