Introducing the fish cooked in vinegar. I just forgot what's the name of this fish. It is long small one. It could grow longer but I choose this because big fish is not good for pregnant woman, whom is yours truly. This picture was taken last 10th of February. Some days after I knew am pregnant. I was craving for fish cooked in vinegar (in Philippines, in our national language, tagalog, we call this as "paksiw na isda"). As in its smell is heaven to me. I liked to smell it. I just didn't like much of the fish itself but the soap of it. Of course, I put spices like ginger, garlic and a few onions then put some water. When its little soap got empty, I put more just like how I put it. Well, just the same fish but new soap. :-) And now, am craving again a fish cooked in vinegar. Dorie and Preciel, a friends of mine are good of making this and I really like how they cook it. Dorie usually made some for me. She's busy and I guess I would just be thinking of it in my thoughts. Preciel wasn't able to cook to for this day, yesterday she made but I wasn't able to come due to important reason. Ooh well, I will just find a good time to buy fish then make some. Good luck to me. ;-)
How do you like a fish cooked in vinegar?
Have a nice day Cacai :)
la, musta naka diha... hows the baby na... sus excited na ko makita puhon ba... tnx sa invi diay sa FB sa baby shower agoy pede palang naay pako mo attend jud ko ehhe...
Mao maybe nalang akong gibutang para in the middle heheh...
Ingats la... labay ko.!mwah
Paksiw...lami jud. Gigutom na hinuon ko.